Yes? No? Maybe? Don't know?
Opinions? Comments?Humans have a hand in the depletion of the Ozone layer, but global warming is, possibly, a natural cause?
It's the ';fault'; of nature, not of people.
I don't quite understand the whole Ozone layer issue. I do know that there are Ozone danger days, when you are suppose to stay inside. Now this isn't because there is a hole that we have to stay away from, but the danger is because there is too much Ozone.
Valcanoes cause more damage to the ozone than all combustion engines put together, and valcanoes are certainly nature.
As far as global warming, I believe that has more to do with the sun.
If you take into consideration the history of the world, you can see that our earth goes through cycles. We go through heat cycles, and cold cycles. Every 20 years we go through hurricane cycles, which we are in right now, by the way. We have rainy seasons, and dry seasons. It is just how nature works.
If you look back not very far, you can see a trend in all of this ';we are ruining our world'; stuff, and it doesn't make any sense. In the 60's they were telling us that we were going to have another ice age, now it is the opposite with global warming. I remember when I was a kid seeing, I believe it was Tony Danza, in commercials telling me that in another 10 years the oceans weren't going to be supporting life anymore. Well guess what, the ocean's are still supporting life.
I do not buy into all of these drummed up scare tactics. I believe it is our responsibility to keep our world in good condition, and not abuse it, however, I don't believe that we as people are in the act of destroying it.Humans have a hand in the depletion of the Ozone layer, but global warming is, possibly, a natural cause?
Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. The term is also used for the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming, which attributes much of the recently observed and projected global warming to a human-induced intensification of the greenhouse effect. In this theory, the increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released mainly by the burning of fossil fuels, and, to a lesser extent, land clearing and agriculture, are the primary sources of warming.
Other theories
Various other hypotheses have been proposed, including but not limited to:
* The warming is within the range of natural variation.
* The warming is a consequence of coming out of a prior cool period 鈥?the Little Ice Age.
* The warming trend itself has not been clearly established.
At present, none of these has more than a small number of supporters within the climate science community.
Global warming can have natural causes. But the problem we are facing at hand is cause by human hands.
We humans are pumping out tonnes and tonnes of GHG(green house gases) every year. Way beyond the ability of the planet to absorb and recover. The problem with fossil fuel is that all this carbon has been hiding from the earth's atmosphere for millions of years. Within 2 centuries we are relasing all the carbon thats been trapped for the past 200 million years. That going to really unbalance the system somewhere...
Not onyl that, but we're destorying the very carbon filter we have on this planet. Our trees. We cut down acres upon acres of trees each day. Even if its not our fault for global warming, we're sure not helping the situation very much...
We need to look at alternatives fuels and alternative wood. Hemp is easy and cheap to grow, it can make cheapest and most durable paper out there, but why doesn't anyone grow hemp? Cause the loggers will lose their job? Selfishness and greed is what i say...
The whole global warming thing is blown out of proportion. Otherwise how do you explain extreme heat and cold one hundred years ago, before pollution etc. was around? What about the ice age? Did global warming occur to melt the ice? Yes. Were humans responsible? No.
The hole in the ozone layer is slowly healing itself.I think,it is around 60 years or so it will be healed.Global effort in the cleansing of our air thru tougher enviromental laws has reaped benifits.
My oppinion is that global warming is taking place, is probably a combination of naturaly occuring phenomena and human induced change, and that it will get alot worse before it gets better.
Not at all, It all because of humans!! When there were no human there was no ozone leak!! Just because of pollution and comfort of CFCs in A.Cs and refrigerators
Not likely seeing how we have proof that it is our fault.
The earth has had temperature fluctuations for as far back as humans can possibly research. So yes, it's possible that global warming has natural origins or is influenced by natural cycles either here on our little planet or the sun.
No. There is C02, the gas that causes the greenhouse efect, in the atmosphere because of natural causes (volcanos,meteors, etc) but unless a really large meteor hit the earth or a really large volcano exploded, there would be no global warming -if you take global warming to mean the earth being overheated to a dangerous level, which is what is happening now.
Seeing as how the ozone layer is mainly being depleted at the north and south poles, where there are no humans, i'm going with mainly nature and the sun on this one. However, that isn't saying humans don't play a part, it's just a minimal one.
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